Professor Pare Keiha is the Pro Vice Chancellor for Māori Advancement, Pro Vice Chancellor for Learning and Teaching and Dean of Te Ara Poutama, the Faculty of Māori Development, at the Auckland University of Technology. He has also previously held the position of Pro Vice Chancellor for Commercialisation.
He is has a strong and extensive background in the governance of a number of public and private companies. He was a member of the Board of the Foundation for Research Science and Technology (FRST) from 2002 to 2010 and chaired its Finance and Audit Committee and a number of its investment committees. His past directorships also include the Legal Services Agency, Waitemata District Health Board, Metrowater Ltd, Port Gisborne Ltd, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Manufactures Australia + New Zealand (RSA A+NZ). He has supported a number of Auckland based arts and culture charities and is currently chair of the Mika Haka Foundation.
He has contributed to a number of nationally significant research agendas including membership of the 2002 PBRF Working Group. He was a member of the first three CoRE Fund committees of the Royal Society of New Zealand that were responsible for establishing the New Zealand Centres of Research Excellence. He has been an advisor to the CEO of the Ministry for Research Science and Technology and currently advises the Commissioner of Trade Marks and Patents. His networks and knowledge of RS&T policy are extensive and are well recognised.