AppLab represents a coalition of imaginative, creative and digitally capable staff and students from the Auckland University of Technology, and a range of external institutional and industry partners.
Our Partners
- Ahuroa School
- Ako Aotearoa
- CFRD, Universidad de Concepcion
- Chalmers University
- COPAS-Sur Austral (Chile)
- Embodied Group
- Goat Island Marine Discovery Centre
- Gothenburg University
- IFICC (Instituto de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Complejidad – Chile)
- Imersia
- Leigh School
- Mana Ahuriri Trust – Ngāti Kahungunu
- Motutapu Island Trust
- Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
- Office of Pacific Advancement – Ocenanic Leadership Network
- Pukemokimoki Marae Napier
- Putahi Marae Wairoa
- Rakato Marae Mahia
- Tainui – Waikato
- Te Huki Marae Mohaka
- TLRI (Teaching and Learning Research Initiative)
- Universidad Catolica de Chile
- Universidad de Concepcion
- University of Auckland
- University of Waikato
- Unlocking Curious Minds
- Wairoa District Council